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5 Feel Good Movies that will bring a smile to your face!

What do you do when you are not really feeling it? When things seem a little gloomy or when you feel like you need something to cheer you up? Well, for me, it would be a good movie. There’s nothing that a good film can not fix. Here’s a list of some feel-good movies that will bring a smile to your face and make your soul happy.

1.The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

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Walter Mitty (played by Ben Stiller) has had a quite tedious life for the last 16 years. While he chronically daydreams of adventures, his life mainly revolves around the office and his home. But one day, things change for Walter Mitty forever and he now has to embark on an unbelievable adventure. His dull life finally turns upside down. Secret Life of Walter Mitty is the perfect film to get over a dull day and one of the finest feel-good movies ever made.

Read: Inspirational movies that you will love

2. The Bucket List (2007)

The Bucket List (2007)

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Starring two of the greatest actors of their generation, Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, The Bucket List is a buddy adventure drama that explores the lives of two friends who are close to death. Both diagnosed with lung cancer, Carter (Morgan Freeman) and Edward Cole (Jack Nicholson) find friendship in the dull corridors of the hospital. They decide to create a bucket list, a set of things they want to do before their disease devours them. Each adventure they embark on refines their friendship and brings them closer, giving a sense of purpose to their lives.

3. The Terminal (2004)

the terminal (2004) Tom Hanks

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Directed by one of the greatest filmmakers ever, Steven Spielberg, The Terminal is an exciting film that explores the life of Viktor Navorski (played by Tom Hanks) who gets stuck in the JFK Airport after his fictional country, Krakozhia’s government is overthrown, leaving his passport invalid in the US. He can neither return home nor enter the United States of America. The entire movie shows how Viktor tries to adapt to the new circumstances, setting up a home at the terminal, until things clear out in his home country. The film will make you laugh, and cry and fill you with joy.

4. Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)

Peanut Butter Falcon

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The plot follows Zak, born with Down Syndrome, who runs away from an assisted living facility to chase his dream of becoming a professional wrestler. He meets and befriends a wayward fisherman, Tyler, and the two form an indescribable bond. Their journey is something that will bring a smile to you face.

5. Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

Little Miss Sunshine

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Little Miss Sunshine is one of the most delightful road movies you will ever watch. The Hoovers are going through a little bit of a rough patch financially and emotionally when their six-year-old daughter gets an opportunity to participate in a beauty pageant called Little Miss Sunshine. They take the road to reach California, where the event is organized. This road trip changes everything for them. They reconnect lost bonds and learn to stay together as a family. Just like their trip, the film is a fun ride and you definitely do not want to miss one of the best feel-good movies ever made.

Image Courtesy: Youtube

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